Monthly Themes (1).png

 October 2021

Welcome to the October Portal!

The classes within this Portal were designed to help you release the energies, identities, programs, and habits that keep you shackled to old stories your soul is begging to be free of.
Your awareness is the catalyst to your metamorphosis. The work you do within this container can serve as an activation that allows you to discover the many facets of your truth.

Here are some themes you can look forward to this month:

  • Alchemize anger

  • Release limiting attachments

  • Clear blocks

  • Trust and surrender

  • Detach from ghosts of the past 

  • Presence with grief and loved ones who have transitioned out of their human body

You’re not alone on this journey! 

Connect with your fellow TLC members via Telegram or Facebook.

The Lotus Collective is on Instagram!  

For support, please reach out to my team! 

Your Weekly Videos


Week 1: Alchemizing Anger into Inspired Action

After doing Fists of Anger, what do you feel inspired to take action on?


Week 2: Cut the Cords

Journal Prompt: Describe your experience in the cord-cutting meditation and what it meant to you. Think about the details like the placement and color of the cords, and anything else that may have a deeper meaning.

Week 3: Deep Healing & Surrender

Journal Prompt: What belief systems or patterns of behavior are you ready to heal? How will this impact your life?

Week 4: trusting and letting go + Chant for Grieving Lost Loved Ones