How To Manifest More Travel


People ask me all the time about how to manifest more travel. The funny thing is regular travelling just became apart of my life only recently.

My husband and I were talking the other day about mindset and travel. I feel like Americans have this idea that travel is a great big deal.

I hear all the time that “travel is a luxury”, but it doesn’t have to be. If we change the way we think about it and see that’s it’s easy, then it becomes so!

Travel can be a tricky one for mindset training, and that’s why it’s SO important to do! Our unconscious mind (that 90% part of our mind that’s running the manifesting show), will do anything to keep us safe. This is why true mindset transformation is something that needs consistency, practice, and LOTS of self love.

Usually we’ll pick things to manifest like new clients or more abundance. Which can be triggering enough for the unconscious mind. But travel!! This can scare the crap-ola out of it!

It means leaving home for an extended period.. flying in a plane.. immersing ourselves in a completely different culture.. not knowing where we are or where we’re going.. eating different foods.. visiting different places.. meeting different people.. everything different!.. While totally giving up our home comforts and everything we hold dear.

It’s a big deal right?

The Triggers Of Traveling

Traveling can bring up a lot of triggers, and because of the way our unconscious mind works, this can make it challenging for people to manifest.

You see the unconscious mind moves us away from experiences that are painful, and towards those that feel comfortable.

This sounds great on the surface. But the unconscious doesn’t know what’s logically ‘good’ for us.. and so it can keep us trapped in old painful patterns simply because we’re used to them.

It goes something like this.. “This is what I’ve always had. It feels comfortable because I recognize it. And so I’m going to keep playing it out. Even if it makes me feel sad, poor, or alone”.

We see this happening so often.. from the burnt out mom stuck in her 9-5 because it’s all that she knows.. to the friend who’s in a dead end relationship but can’t quite seem to let go.

Becoming Aware Of Your Thoughts

The sooner we became aware of how our unconscious mind is coding these areas of our life, the sooner we can transform them.

That’s what happened to us! We just changed our minds about travel, took small inspired actions to make it part of our lives… and BAM!

Just last week I was in the Canary Islands, exploring a volcano and sitting by the sea with my loves. This week I’m in London, soaking in the sights. Next week I’m heading to Panama to lead a women’s wellness retreat. After that, a VIP day at my home for soul-centered entrepreneurs and then off to Costa Rica to lead the Manifest Miracles Retreat. Not too long after that, I’ll be in Guatemala to lead a women’s transformational travel journey!

I’m not saying all of this to be braggy. I’m saying this for the person out there who dreams of traveling more, but feels stumped how to go about it.

I have a message for you.. You can have it all!!

I remember thinking how amazing it would be if I could figure out how to combine travel and my work.

What I Did To Manifest More Travel In My Life

I stopped dreaming and used my intention setting ritual to code traveling to joy, and make it a central part of my life. I did this when I first started my business, and in that year alone I traveled to Italy, Miami, Malibu, Aspen, the West Indies, LA, New Orleans, NYC (twice) and many more mini trips.. Since then I’ve been all over the world hosting retreats and traveling just for fun.

The trick is to be super clear with your intentions (follow the steps in my ritual!).

And then code, code and re-code travel to joy!

So.. if you’re reading this, just know that you are a magical unicorn who can make anything happen! You just have to believe it.

If you’ve been wanting to know how to manifest more travel, but it hasn’t manifested yet, then please check out my retreats this year. There are a few spots left, and you will be held in a sacred circle of light and compassionate sisterhood. A wonderful way to start off your new adventure, and begin teaching your unconscious mind how wonderful the world outside can be.

Share your travel dream and get support on your path to manifesting and abundance in my Soulful Leaders & Lightworkers Tribe here.