Building Your Soulful Tribe


When I’m holding space for someone in my soulful tribe, they have my 100% undivided attention, and as a channeler and healer, this is non-negotiable.

But as coaches (and human beings! ;) we only have a limited amount of time and energy for one on one work. I learned this the hard way, feeling like I had to say “yes” and help everyone - all the time.

I was lucky, because my manifesting game was strong - and I booked up quickly. But it also gifted me a steep learning curve around boundaries, listening to my intuition, and better understanding my own needs.

I soon realized that if I wanted to continue helping people, while showing up as 100% authentically myself, then I had to change the way I was doing things.

And this meant saying “no” sometimes.

I decided that saying yes to the Universe / God was central to my way of showing up. I accepted that this was where I received all my power, and that if I was going to be able to continue channelling my gifts from Source, then I had to start rearranging my outer world to better reflect my inner one.

This meant saying no more to:

  • Saying “yes” to new clients even though I felt I was at my own energetic capacity.

  • Flaky boundaries.

  • Putting Meg’s needs after the needs of the people I was called to serve.

It was hard at first, and my ego threw a few tantrums! But I kept circling back to my guides, re-connecting with Source, and meditating on my own personal mission - with an inner agreement to put that before anything else.

So what does this look like?

Showing Up For Your Soulful Tribe

I now have a waitlist of clients who I’m super excited to serve, and know that I can show up fully and be at my very best for.

Now I use my time and energy to raise my focus from the trenches and look towards the horizon of my dreams.

I take daily inspired action that serves my higher purpose. Instead of rushing from one thing to the next while feeling like I wasn’t getting anything done.

However, I still wanted to find a way to support people, even if I my one to one spots were all booked out.

So I asked Source, and it answered..

Introducing my Soulful Leaders + Lightworkers Facebook Group.

I won’t go into the details of my particular little home of love and light on Facebook. You can check that out for yourself here.

Instead I wanted to take you through the steps that I took to create it, and if it resonates, to help you do the same.

So! Here are some questions to ask yourself when creating your own soulful Facebook Group..

1. What is your collective soulful tribe identity?

All tribes, clans and circles have an in-group identity. And this identity is often so strong, that it creates a magnetism that draws people in from the most unlikely of places.

Your people are out there.. and to attract your true tribe, you need to show up as 100% unapologetically you. You need to stand in your weirdness with open arms, and say “Hey!.. We’ve got you!”.

The first step is showing up as you truly are. Not a version of yourself who you think you should be - but who you really are inside.

The second step is to really feel into the heart of what makes you unique, and to identify the overlapping areas that make your people - your people.

  • What are the 10 things that make you, your business, and your message unique?

  • What 10 traits do you have in common with your ideal soulful tribe?

  • How can you distill this into one line that captures your collective tribal identity?

2. How can you make it a safe space?

Your Facebook group is your safe space. It’s a place where likeminded people can come together and share their deepest fears (and biggest wins!). And to do this it needs to be a vulnerability safe zone.

You can’t create change if you can’t cultivate difficult conversations, and so creating a safe and supporting space is vital.

Firstly, create a simple set of rules and guidelines for the group, and setting this as a pinned post. Everyone knows where they stand, what’s acceptable, what’s not, and what they can expect from the space.

Secondly, it’s super important to moderate the group. Which just means dipping in and out each day to read through conversations and make sure everyone’s having a great time.

It’s like being the host of a party. You want to make sure everyone feels comfortable, that their drinks are topped up, and that they feel at home.

3. What conversations do you want to cultivate?

Your Facebook group is a beautiful container for magical things. You’ve attracted the perfect people, with overlapping core beliefs and interests, they feel safe and supported to share and speak their truth. And now you’ll want to cultivate conversations that matter.

This is your space to share ideas, posts, pictures and links that open up the channels for connection. So go wild, and don’t hold back! Be fearless in your message. This isn’t a place to be wishy washy or to try and fit in. This is your safe space first and foremost - so stand out and be bold in what you do.

  • What’s not being said in your niche that needs to be said?

  • What are people scared to face or own up to?

  • What brought people to join your group?

  • Think of the ‘why’s’ that drive your work, and how do they cross over with those of your soulful tribe?

Ask your fellow members questions.. get to know them.. they are your teachers too!

4. How can you increase the flow of energy to your soulful tribe?

Lastly, and by no means least, you’ll want to create a fresh flow of energy to your Facebook group. I make sure to sprinkle invitations to my inner circle throughout all of my messaging. Whether that’s my social media, blogs, website, newsletters, email signature, and even business cards.

It’s a beautiful space that you’ve created, so share it with the world. And enjoy! Because it’s as much for you as it is for everyone else :)

Looking for a place to meet your soul sisters and fill up on good vibes? Join me in my special corner of Facebook over in my Soulful Leaders + Lightworkers group.

I can’t wait to connect with you! :)